About Me

Graham 2008

Graham Stanley is currently project manager of Ceibal English for the British Council, working in Montevideo, Uruguay. Previously to this, he worked many years for the British Council Young Learner Centre in Barcelona, Spain as well as being social media manager for the British Council English websites (LearnEnglish, TeachingEnglish, LearnEnglish Kids, LearnEnglish Teens). He was project manager for the British Council for the following EU funded projects:

He was (until April 2013) joint co-ordinator of the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG (http://ltsig.org.uk/) and is currently online events organiser for the IATEFL Young Learner and Teenagers SIG (https://www.yltsig.org/). 

He is author of the following books for teachers:


  1. Er.. Graham, did you really post this comment in far-off 1970? Marvellous if true.

    More seriously, I'd like to look into ways of making my Rome EFL Blog look more attractive. I will get ideas from your and Nik Peachey's blogs.

    "Sur ce", I am off to bed. More soon!


  2. Yes, I did, Mike - haven't you heard of tie travel ?


  3. Akmal Akbarov8:19 am

    Hi Mr Graham,

    I teach English at Westminster International University in Tashkent. Just like you I also opened a blog for my students to interact with them outside the classroom.

    We are at www.intashkent.blogspot.com

    Reason why I am writing to you is that I wanted to know what kind of blog activities you do with your students.

    Also I opened another blog for teachers world-wide at www.globalcommunity2010.blogspot.com which did not go public yet.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Please e-mail me directly at uzbekistan2104@rambler.ru or leave a comment on my blog.


  4. Anonymous12:59 pm

    I am a TEFL teacher and I really enjoy reading your blog.
    I recently started a website called Video Language Network and would greatly
    appreciate your comments. Based on the TEFL approach, the website offers lessons
    in English communication through downloadable videos and support exercises.
    Our videos consist of authentic conversations with native English speakers covering a variety of interesting topics and aspects of spoken English.
    You can check out our website, www.videolanguagenetwork.com and click on our free lesson #16, “Living and Surviving in New York.”

  5. Hi Graham

    I created an easy-to-use tool to build read-a-long stories in Powerpoint (highlighted text with recorded voice or Google TTS). Is read-a-long considered good for ESL/EFL or only good for little children? Demo video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QecKltYmBiY.


  6. Dear Mr. Graham Stanley,

    I´d like to thank you for your comments on http://digitalimmersion.weebly.com/index.html.

    Best regards,
    Carlos Eduardo Severo Macieira

  7. My pleasure, Carlos - it was great to read about all of the wonderful work the Cultura Inglesa teachers have been involved in

  8. Saw your picture of the shirt that says "Lecture bored me to death" and I am trying to find the shirt. I love it. Any ideas?


  9. Hi Ann, from what I remember, that was a shirt that was on sale last year in a Japanese shop - I'm sorry I didn't buy one now :-)

  10. Anonymous2:40 pm

    I really enjoyed your presentation at iatefl conference and shared some ideas on my blog.
    Thanks for inspiration!
    Monika Kisala

  11. Hi Graham

    I work in the Marketing team of Texthelp, who recently launched English Hero (www.english-hero.com), software to help those learning english. I was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing our software for your blog?
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Jenny Laird

    1. Hi Jenny, I'd be happy to take a look at it

  12. Anonymous1:42 pm

    Hi Graham,

    I'm almost sure you are the same GS who exchanged letters and things with a Russian Peter Hammill fan (me) in the 90s. I mean, PH... Spain... Soundbite... )) If so, I'm really glad to see you alive & well in the 21st century! Although we never met, I remember you very well :) and will always be very thankful to you for your kindness and generosity towards me.

    All the very very best,
    Pavel Kachanov,
    Kaluga, Russia (cachanoff@gmail.com)

    1. Pavel, indeed I am - I still have your letters too, believe it or not, and am very grateful for you introducing me to Nol and the other Russian rock bands you sent me records of. Hope you are well and it's great to hear from you.

      Best wishes,


  13. Hello Graham,
    As Im attenting the ICT course I decided to follow you. I`m working as an RT and LEP tutor for Ceibal project and I work at AACI Lomas. Cool to see you here..very interesting blog. I love the layout,:)
    I`ll keep in touch.
    Best wishes

  14. Hi Patricia, good to connect with you here.




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