ChatGPT prompts

What you get from ChatGPT is only as good as the quality of your prompt.

Chat GPT prompt
The always-interesting English language educator Doris Molero has been sharing the prompts she has been trying out on Facebok, such as...

A way to use ChatGPT as your tutor to learn and practice phrasal verbs or any other grammar point you need to learn about. Prompt "Teach me the phrasal verbs, including a quiz at the end, but don’t give me the answers and then tell me if | got the answer right when | respond."

Getting the prompts right is important if you want to achieve good results from this tool. Fortunately, there are some valuable resources available for ChatGPT prompts in general:

How to make the best use of ChatGPT in Education has resulted in a number of useful general guides and prompt guides, such as:

For language learning and teaching specifically:
Meanwhile, Japan-based Educator, Paul Raine held a very interesting discussion with a number of people, entitled GPT and ELT: Productive, Disruptive, or Destructive?, which you can watch below. 

Lots of other educators have been holding discussions about the ramifications of ChatGPT and Higher Education, and providing advice such as 7 ways teachers can harnass the power of AI for learning

There are so many ways to use this tool, I feel that despite the efforts of educators, we are still only scraping the surface and coming upwith new ideas every day. 


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