
the British Council ICT Co-ordinators Handbook

It's been my day for discovering past projects.

The British Council ICT Co-ordinators Handbook is a collaborative project that came out of work following ICT courses around the world. It's basically aimed at an audience of British Council ICT coordinators, and I had assumed that it would only be published on the British Council intranet, so am pleasantly surprised to see it on a public website.

Much of the content will only be of interest if you work for the British Council (and there are many links to private British Council intranet pages), but there are some sections that may be of general interest.

One of these sections is the glossary, although, sadly to say it's already looking outdated!

1 comment:

  1. Graham, we have a list here in South Australia that is similar but not quite the same (if that makes sense)at the Technology School of the Future website. TSOF A to Z


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