It's worth taking a look at this blog - mobile learning

I've just been tagged by Sheetal Makhan (be sure to check out her great blog btw) and this is as good an excuse as any to jump back into blogging again after a long absence. I've actually got a backlog of posts I've started (about the ISTEK conference, IATEFL and more), but rather than try to keep this chronological, I thought I'd just jump in with this.

The idea is for every blogger tagged to list ten blogs worth looking at, and for those who are tagged to do the same. That way, we'll be able to point people to blogs that would otherwise be overlooked and increase the community aspect of the blogosphere.

After staying clear of Mobile Learning (or M-Learning) for a long time (mostly from lack of time I suppose) I'm currently trying to catch up on what I've missed and what better way of doing this is there than checking on the blogosphere and what people are writing there about the subject.

So, my list contains bloggers who are all covering mobile learning :

1. Nicky Hockly's eModeration Station  has some wonderful posts about emoderating in general, but she's also just started writing a series on mobile learning. Check out  Mobile Learning #1 The Big Picture and Mobile Learning #2 The Issues -  Nicky will be continuing this very informative series, which I'm really looking forward to.

2. Thanks to Nicky's posts, I found David Read's Mobile ESL blog, which is dedicated to m-learning. David's blog is an invaluable guide to the subject and his own enthusiastic efforts in introducing m-learning makes fascinating reading. Be sure to follow David (@dreadnought001) on Twitter for up-to-the-minute information and to join in the m-learning conversation.

3. For a more general picture (not just ESL) about m-learning, check out Leonard Low's reflective journal on mobile learning practice

4. E-blah-blah , Sandra Pires is another commentator involved in ESL who blogs about m-learning among other aspects of digital learning. 

5. Of course, there are lots of different ways of introducing m-learning. If it's the ipod Touch you're interested in, then Lindsay Thompson has a great blog about Personalising Learning with the iPod Touch

6. Mobile learning is not just about smartphones either. It is said that m-learning has the potential to bridge the digital divide as mobile phones are being bought by people all over the globe. check out M-learning Africa for information, research and projects in this continent. 

7. Want to read more? Rob de Lorenzo has a great list of further reading on his blog Mobile Learning that makes a great place to start.

8. Peter Tobey's M-Learning is Good is a blog worth keeping an eye on.

9. Another ELT blogger who is starting to write a lot about mobile learning is Nik Peachey - Check out his practical ideas for learners on Nik's Learning Technology Blog

10. Digital Play. This is cheating I suppose as I blog here with my friend and colleague Kyle Mawer, but we've just written a post about games and other fun apps for the iphone/ipod touch

Know any more that I've missed? Please let me know in the comments section.

So, there you have it - if you've been tagged, then you can continue the wave in three easy steps:

1.  Insert the picture/logo at the top of this blog to your post.
2.  Compile your own list of ten blogs that you feel are worth reading.
3.  Tell the bloggers that they have been tagged.


  1. Thanks for this overview of m-learning blogs, Graham! This comes just in time for my assignment. I know some of the people you have mentioned but didn't know, for example, that David (who I know from Second Life) had a blog about m-learning and mobile phones.

    Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow.


  2. A pleasure, Nergiz - glad you found it useful. Your assignment sounds interesting - I'd love to read it when it's finished if that's ok with you.

    Also looking forward to speaking tomorrow.



  3. Thanks for tagging my blog, Graham, and for the heads up on other blogs on m-learning. Mobile learning is the current bee in my bonnet, so I''ll be following those from now on... And I too would love to read your assignment, Nergiz! :-)


  4. Graham,

    No idea if these two old posts will help out with your search (and ta for these leads) - here's how I've been using my mobile phone in class:

    Smart Phones


  5. @Nicky thanks for the comments - love the guest post by Neil on your blog about smartphone apps - I think things are definitely hotting up.

    @Karenne - thansk so much for linking this here - I'd missed these posts and they are so relevant - great ideas for using smart phones with students

  6. Nice variation on the Vale a Pena thing, I found these themed lists much more manageable and useful than the random ones some people did


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