
Education@Edunation Session V - Saturday 17th May 1.30am SL Time

April was so busy that it came and went without a chance to organise an Education@Edunation event. However, I am very excited about the next one, which will feature Nick Noakes (Corwin Carillon in SL), who is a very active educator in Second Life.

Corwin will be leading a discussion - Here's how he describes the event:

Come join us for a discussion of self-directed team learning in Second Life where we will share ideas and practices for giving learning teams greater control through inquiry-driven projects.

Because Nick is based in Hong Kong, we've rearranged the time and date. This time it will be on:
Come and join us if you can - Space is limited, so please sign up now by visiting the sign-up stands at Edunation III (see photo below).

Hope to see you there!


  1. Sorry to have missed this -- the time was a bit late for me as I'm in the SL time zone. If there's any kind of summary I'd love to have a look at it.

  2. May I play Devil's Advocate for a moment? The major drawback to SL imho is that it is fantasy, yet requires a considerable commitment.

    Ergo, many folks may not be willing to make that commitment to something that closely resembles a game (or worse, something that substitutes for living out one's 'real' reality, an escape, a crutch, and therefore somehow almost morally wrong).

    The solution is twofold:

    1)let time and experience show people that SL has a positive effect on RL (for example, improves people's English), and

    2)let time and experience show people that indulging in fantasy (or to be more precise, the strange mix of reality and fantasy that is SL) has its own psychic rewards -- both esthetic and social.

    The exact right blend of time spent in RL and time spent in SL will vary from person to person and will change over the years, but it is vital for educators to stress the connection between the two.

  3. Anonymous11:34 am

    I received a notice of this seminar this morning, after it occurred, (it occurred at 1:30 am Seattle time…). I would have liked to attend.

    I have an experimental artist’s project, that addresses information in the financial sector. The main site is here:

    A current experimental form is here:

    This is the portal to my blog:

    Thanks very much,
    Terra21 Telling (SL avatar)

  4. Sorry you missed it Dave & Terra - the archived session (audio and slides) will be on Edunation very soon - I'll also link to it here.

    Dave, I see your point re. SL /fantasy - there has always been a debate over the use of the word 'game' in learning too - I think you make some useful points.

    I also think that if browsers start adding 3D interfaces ( a likely possiblility according to some commentators) then virtual worlds such as SL will become more acceptable for learning too.

    Terra - thanks for sharing your work and blogs - the proects you are involved in look very interesting indeed.


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