
Second Life Language & Culture Discussion

On Sunday 18th February at 23.30 GMT, there'll be the first synchronous discussion of a new group on 'Languages and Culture in Second Life'.

It's open to anyone who is interested in this subject. Here are the details if you wish to take part:

* Please join the newly formed 'Language and Culture Exchange' group in Second Life

"This group was established to promote language and culture exchange
through the creation of a dynamic language and culture lesson database
and a coordinated learning and exchange program in Second Life. "

* Event to be held at 15.30 SL Time : (23.30 GMT)

* Join the Skypecast here:
Please IM me (Skype ID: eflbridges) if there are any problems joining the Skypecast

* If you'd just like to listen live, you can tune into the stream at Worldbridges
( - Sandbox B)

* The discussion will be recorded and made available as a podcast so we'll have a record of what was discussed.

* We'll also be at iMagiLEARNING island in Second Life:

Hope to see some of you there!


  1. Graham - I think I heard you say on a World Bridges podcast that you were developing a collection of ideas for SL lesson plans. I may have got this wrong! Any chance you can email me at a.j.middleton AT and let me know if this is correct as I am currently considering developing a repository of scenarios for learning, teaching and assessment activities for 3D virtual worlds.

  2. I've now emailed you Andrew - I must admit, that I've not had any time to follow up on this, but a wiki has been created, and the group is active.


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